Saturday, July 5, 2008

Enough about me.

Hello readers!

Today I have devised an evil scheme. I'm tired of writing only about myself. My master plan is about to be unveiled, but first something more about me. For a long time now, many people have suggested many possible careers that I would be good in. I'm going to show you a list, a list of the most frequent, or ones I can remember.

  1. Lawyer
  2. Preacher
  3. Singer in a barber shop quartet
  4. Philosopher

These are the only ones I can remember right now, but they are all true. But now, for the fun to begin. In the comments section I want you, the readers, to write down the career choices that have been suggested to you. Do not lie here, please, lying is wrong. I will then post a list of you and the possible career choices. I'm not saying do one of them, but I'm saying I want to hear them. This could turn out pretty funny too, so please write in, and I'll post it.


Tracer Bullet said...

Everyone says I'm good at math so a mathmatician is one of them. Science is another strong point so chemist, biologist and all of the others fit in there as well although how our class thought up "find a cure for cancer" I don't know. A musician of some sort is also a suggestion I have recieved in the past.

Nathaniel said...

Cool. I already knew this, but cool. Come on people, let's see what people want you to be!

Anonymous said...

I don't often get recommendations on different jobs, but I have heard a few. My mom would like me to become a writer, since I frequently write stories down. Mostly short stories, but now I'm trying to work on a novel. I've also gotten professional pianist, since I've played for eight/nine years. I don't mean to brag, but I'm very good at it too. Also at one point my mom thought I would make a good doctor. I can't say that I agree. But what I would really like to do is become a computer programmer. I think that would be awesome, since I love technology so much. YES I AM A COMPUTER NERD. LAUGH AT ME AND GET IT OVER WITH. :(

Nathaniel said...

Ha ha! Oh, that wasn't about you. I just saw a squirle jumping on a tire. It was halarious. That sounds like a cool job. Personaly I would like to become a writer, or a lawyer. Law is interesting. Don't laugh.

Anonymous said...

you enjoy squirrel entertainment? haha

I never really cared too much about the law... but that's okay.
"If you do something you enjoy, you'll never have to work a day of your life." -Mr. E. (My band teacher XP) have fun becoming a lawyer! I'll hire you when I get thrown in jail! haha... yeah, not exactly one of my goals, but most likely to happen :D

Nathaniel said...

Your band teacher sounds cool. It'll happen while you do research for a writing piece you do about a criminal. I'm psychic, I know. (WOOOOOOOOOOO!) As long as your innocent, I'll represent you. I ain't gettin no criminals off the hook! People have lost sight of the meaning. We have law to get those who are dangerous to the rest of society off the streets. If someone is found DANGEROUS beyond resonable doubt, then they should be put away. That could get into deeper stuff though, but I might post about that.

Anonymous said...

People have sugested that I become an artist or an author. Personally, I'd like to be a psychologist, a journalist or a teacher.

BTW, who suggested you become a preacher and why?


Nathaniel said...

My entire family. They said that I would make a good one. Also, I knew you wanted to be a psychologist, but not teacher, or journalist. Cool career choice.