Okay, not much has happened in the world of me this past week. Although I have a very new nickname, but not a good one. I am now Néné, oh, and Arminda, somebody who commented from time to time has given me the nickname, Nattybug. So, apart from bad nicknames, I was listening to a Massey Lecture, done by Margret Atwood, a famous Canadian author. The topic of the lecture was Payment. It was all pretty interesting, especially when she talked about the system to get away from repaying depts, called kill the loner, or something of the sort. She talked about the Templars, and the Jews here, and apparently the Jews were famous for having this done to them. But there was a part that I didn't get. She said that sending one to jail did less justice then sending them to community service, and that it was the tax payers that had to deal with the trial payment, and that it was just more unjust to the taxpayers. Now, I'm not completely against what she said, because community service is always a good way to go, but she seemed to be missing the simple fact about why people go to jail. People go to jail because they are a danger to the rest of society, and need to be isolated to protect the rest of society. It may not be the best approach, and it gives people time to sort out problems, so it isn't completely in affective.
Continuing on, I feel the need to make a serious poll this week. This week is the death sentence. I believe that it can be justified, and is in some cases better than lifetime incarceration without parole.
The video this week was something Lt.John showed me, called the little girl who was forgotten. It is like a kid's storyesk, thing that is pretty nice to watch. Once again, acquired taste, I think, and I can't really describe it, you just need to watch.
For the picture, this is an inspirational picture, or a mockery of one. I find it kind of funny, and it's certainly interesting.
And as for coming attractions, I am making a new part to Solitary Cell 63, but now, I have a title for my series of short stories. I'll ruin it by telling you that it is called In the Shadows, and the case name is 'Exchanges'. Unfortunately, I have no name for the organization at which they work, so I'm accepting all ideas. Also, for the information of all ye, it is not centered around the current main character AJ, or Anthony-Jermaine, Crawford. So yeah.
Well, that about sums it up.
Are you there, God? It's me, Dibsy.
9 years ago
lol nene
lol nene
(in japanese, "nii nii" means big brother ^^)
actually its pronounced naynay
your image amuses me, Nathaniel! That, and I want to see more of those zany zany stories of yours.
"The Little Girl who was forgotten" (by absolutely everyone, even the postman) is eerily creepy.
Heeey Nene :)
*sigh* Hey Robin, I suppose your here to torture me further. No, I'm kidding. How come your blog is without postage?
This is Robin, the girl who gave me the nickname Nene.
I hereby award you Robin! And for having an awesome-pawsome name.
You don't award crimes! Well, with the exception of assination, and being a ninja, or a mercinary.
Noooo you're just jealous Nene!!!
I have given the nick names Sparky, Chief, Slick, Prometheus (He brings fire to man, in the bad way! AGH MY EYES! WHY DID YOU BURN OUT MY EYES!), Spider Monkey, Jules, and some more stuff. My point being, that they aren't the best, but they aren't bad, and are certainly better than Nene. And certainly better than Coady's attempt at Porn Star for Megan.
no, i just knew someone in their group had that nickname, so i asked megan, and it turned out to be shannon. also i wanted to get ashton mad.
Well, that's an inside thing Dibsy.
Are you boys having girl problems? *eyesthemsuspiciously*
Anyway, this week's topic... Truth be told, I'm not sure where I stand on the Death Penalty. I suppose I agree with you on some things Nat, but, like many things before I've researched them extensively to my satisfaction and attempted to emotionally connect myself to the situation, I don't really know where I stand. I really care for the issue, but I don't know how I feel about it. I mean, if murder is murder, then isn't the death penalty murder? But, as you would state "justified"? I'm not sure yet. There are some people who are totally hopeless and evil and corrupt people who need to go down... like, I suppose, Saddam Hussein, or Hitler and stuff, so I guess I supported that. Some people you just can't change (something I have/had difficulty accepting a while back/still). Or, maybe people change, and come to terms with their sentence, etc. I guess I support it sometimes, but maybe just extreme cases, such as political tyrannical leaders, etc. I don't think you can KNOW for sure whether a person cannot change over time, until you allow them to change, yet there are just some people who are just far too corrupt. So yeah, I guess I support it with my previous statement. (please excuse my thought sequences having been written in this comment)
I have yet to watch the "Little Girl" video... sounds creepy... ooh. I'll have to check it out.
That Little girl done NOT have little eyes. Mmhmm.
Also, Aly, I emailed you. Why ever won't you respond??
Well then Aly, your with me. Yay people who think that killing one evil things can save millons of good things! Hence, why I'm against the ending of avatar. Ozai suffers a fate worse than death, that just ain't right.
Huh? What happened to Ozai?? Who IS Ozai?? (i didn't watch the ending, and i forgot-is he the fire lord or the uncle dude)
I, myself, am against the ending of Avatar, because it SUCKED. Very badly. (my word verification word was: cousin :3)
My word verification: medical
dear naynay..
my blog is without post because blogging is lame.. and i only joined this so i could read peoples blogs and comment on them so theres really no point accept i did add one post.. anyways i agree with coady that your nose looks like a garlic.. hah sorry,,
any ways my name is spelt with a 'y' not with an 'i'..
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