Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Don't you hate it when...

Don't you hate it when a main character in a book, or a character you liked, in a book slips into insanity. I'll explain.

So I finally started New Moon, after months of it's dust collecting on my book shelf, and in the fourth chapter the main character is insane. It's just annoying. This always puts a damper on books I'm reading. Like I stoped reading "His Dark Materials" after trying to make it through the second book, but I couldn't because I knew that Lord Asrial is flipping mental. He was my favorite character! Well, this, and the book didn't know how to hold onto a straight story, and always jumped over to whatever Serifina Pekala was at to piss me off. (I didn't mind seeing what our happy Texan was doing, because he was at least cool.) Well, it also lost it's other worldly charm, because they were now running around Oxford, instead of some crazy land where the curch ruled the world, and our souls ran around outside of our bodies in the form of animals we resembled.

It's also what happened to my favorite character, Bluestar, in the Warriors series. She just goes insane, and starts cutting up the magical cat religion, and feeding it to rainbow coloured bunnies who demanded the sacrifice of unicors with dragon blood in them. (Not actually what happened, but it might as well should have.)

So now I have a character I don't much care for, because of her obvious full of herselfness, but yet still finds place to be depressing, and have a low self esteem. The bad part is that she's the person who you have to see through. At least Lord Asriel, and Bluestar weren't spewing depressing banter in the places where there were supposed to be the main characters thoughts.

This book makes me wonder why everyone likes the series. I mean, nobody seems to like Bella, but are too focused on drooling over one of the male characters to give a rat's ass. But you know what? I think it's appealing because girls like to put themselves in the place of Bella, like photoshopping an image in there.

Somehow, I feel the need to continue pressing through the book, but I think it's through the promise of a werewolf character later on. My opinion, werewolf = Good enough reason to keep reading. Werewolves are just so much better than vampires, and just grasp my attention more, because there's something a little more beastly, and valiant about them. Not like a vampire, which by Stephanie's standards, are becoming weirder than the platypus. Their portrayal in this book seem to be way too weird. I mean, Edward supposedly resembles a lion. There doesn't seem to be anything lionly about him. He seems more like a coward in a sense. No, I shouldn't say that, but I thought that vampires were supposed to be like bats? To add to this, they have venom, stone like skin, that shines in the sunlight, and golden eyes that turn black over time.

Let's backtrack over what creature we have created. A blood drinking lion of stone, which also works as a florecent light when you don't need one, that has venom sacks, and has golden eyes that I belive would make him top heavy. This product also comes in the form of a bear, a snake, and any other animal you can dream up. Some even come with a bonus of PSYCHIC POWERS!

Now only nine nineghty nine! Does this make sense to anyone else? Well, I suppose I'm just being nit picky, but the only character so far that I really likes is dead. James, I respect a man who can kidnap a 17 year old girl, who seems to be smart to some extent with only a video tape. Bravo my good sir.

Well, there you have a rant, on why I feel like being in a pissy mood.

By the way, you all have homework to do for me. Send me in an essay that's subject is, "If I were to die in two weeks." I did this in French class. It was actually pretty fun to write. I just talked about all of the stuff I would do to make my last days happy. I'll transfer my essay onto my blog sometime.

If you don't pass it in, it's an F.



L.T. John said...

You touched down on some valid (and oh so entertaining) points of Edward and Bella's character. They. Both. SUCK. Plus, that essay sounds spiffy, so I'll give it a shot.

Nathaniel said...

Thank you. Also, they ruined my favored character, James for the movie. He no longer looks thirty two, but seventeen.

It sucks.

Aly K. said...

I apologize for your disdain of Cam Giganet or whatever his name is. (*isshotforactuallysometimeslikingthebooks*)

I do agree with most of your post, though. Although, (it may just be a most likely unstable girl's position on this) I kind of sympathize for Bella's loss a little more. I don't justify her reaction, but I sympathize it more. She's just a tad bit obsessive... (okay, more than a bit, but...). Lots of people aren't very happy when their 'significant other' breaks up with them. Bella's case is certainly more dramatic, but I guess it could just represent the extreme of all this 'breaking-up' messed up business. I suppose the whole change of the vampire image was... well, different. But, Stephenie Meyer had a dream (literally) in which there was a sparkling vampire and an 'ordinary girl' talking to each other in a meadow about how they loved each other, yet part of him wanted to kill her. So, you really can't help what your subconcious hands out to you... unless it's a lucid dream, which I doubt that one was.
But, I'm not gonna say I disagree with you. (and yes, the werewolves are pure awesomeness. and I was a hardcore Jacob lover/Edward hater for a while. By the way, if you can force yourself to get this far, you WILL hate Breaking Dawn. I don't, but you will.)

Everyone can have their own opinions about things. :] And I may consider writing that essay... if I don't hand it in, I'm very sorry.

Nathaniel said...

I don't know about that. I just don't like it when characters go crazy. I think her loss was pretty signifacant, but it just bugs me how she goes insane in the brain case. And just for saying I'll hate Breaking Dawn, I'm going to enjoy it, so ha! And if your using reverse psychology on me, then ha! I won't enjoy it! And if your using reverse reverse psychology ha! I will enjoy it! (And so on and so on, and so on.)

Aly K. said...

Yeah, I understand. W-Well... maybe I was using reverse psychology times... erm... *insertridiculouslyhighnumberhere* HA!

Aly K. said...

*quotes my sig from ASN*

[b]PMs Out
N13: Yeah, we are. Sorry. D: *hug* I gtg. Good night!

Sorry for my Personal Messages... That was probably my record sending with that "12-PM-per-hour" limit...

Dibsy said...

Yes, yes my friend, I do. (unless it's supposed to eb comical, in which I scream, "heehee")

But I really hate Stephanie's portrayal. It's kinda weird. (I mean...Edward is...shiny? Vampires...aren't shiny!)

Read Cirque Du Freak by Darren Shan. There are way better vamps, I tell you.

Unknown said...

I'd like to point out that it is Jasper, not Edward who resembles a lion. Edwards hunting style is similar to that of a lion.

Unknown said...

And I would also like to point out that Edward isn't shiny, he's sparkly, which, of course is a totally different thing. :P

Am I the only one who read the books and liked them? Maybe girls like them so much because Edward is such a gentlemen, the likes of which is very rare nowadays. I've heard it being described as an old-fashioned romance, with the damsel in distress, and the prince charming. And of course forbidden love is thrilling. It's a modern-day fairy tale that lets us escape from real life to read something that is exactly what we want to hear.

So if you hate it, that's fine. But please don't spoil it for those of us who love it. Oh, and if you read Breaking Dawn, put a spoiler warning before your review, because I'm not allowed to read it til I'm 16. Apparently, it's pretty intense.

Nathaniel said...

I think your wrong on the lion front. It even says that he roars, and hisses like a lion, and they even used their famous line to incorperate the fact that he was a lion. "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."

And stop assuming that I hate it! I said that I hated it when characters go insane!

I even said, that despite all this, is wasn't actually that bad! Geez! I hate it when people assume like that. Like, "I'm pro choice!" "Gasp! Your okay with baby killing!" or, "I'm okay with the death penalty!" "Gasp! You support sending seniors to the electric chair!" It's just offending. "Look! He's over there with them! Let's not hear him out! He's with them!" or even. "Look at them! They think differently! Let's not listen to them!" I spazzed.

Anyways, Edward doesn't seem like much of a gentleman to me. He seems to make demands of Bella a lot, but she doesn't care because of his god like beauty. Some times I wonder how she puts up with him.

Also, I think the point is that it isn't a modern day fairy tale. In how many fairy tales was the charming prince wanted to kill the damsel in not such destress before she becomes associated with him. And then prince charming is actually evil monster. Say Shrek and your wrong, and I hit you.

Dibsy said...

In the movie, Edward is weird. (O.o) He's all... uhhh-looking.

I think Bella puts up with him because she's just like him. (?)

Also, to remind you all, I have never ever in my whole life read Twilight, looked at the first page, maybe read the back but never looked inside. (I am merely following your reviews, and putting my opinion on what I know)

Dibsy said...

you know what, robyn?!?!?! blogging is not lame sauce!!! :'<

Tracer Bullet said...

I haven't read it yet but i'm going to. When stuff like that happens I like to reread an earlier book and enjoy the "good old days". It doesn't sound the best but i'll still read the book.

Nathaniel said...

Your going to read a vampire romance? Or did you mean His Dark Materials. Because if I were to suggest one of those books to you, The Golden Cumpas would be the better option. I'm not sure if you'll enjoy it too much, but you'll enjoy it more than Twilight, I assure you.

Dibsy said...

The Golden Compass movie wasn't really good, btw.

Nathaniel said...

*Sigh.* Does anyone remember a time when all of these movies were best selling books? The Golden Compass book was several quadrillon times better then the movie. The movie licks the shiny boots of the book. The book was so great, that I wondered why I even bothered to have it ruined by the movie!

Dibsy said...

I thought the ending was weak, in the movie actually. I didn't get it, or maybe that's cause I never read it. (Care to clarify on what actually happens?)

Coady said...

hey people, i was dead for a week, but now im back!

Dibsy said...

you're back!! hello! (greets in a falsely warm way to hide that she did not notice)

also natty, please inform robyn (the creator of nene) that blogging is not lame sauce.

Nathaniel said...

Alright dibs. Also, for the Golden Compass movie, they didn't actually make it to the ending, where they find Asriel, after getting into a fight with a zeplin bomber, where the armoured bears fight with, like flaming catapults, or something, and Rodger gets his throat slit by Asriel, and you find out that Asriel, and Mrs.Coulter are her bio parents. Then, they walk through their magical world portal, and she tries to follow, but ends up in a different world, filled with monters that eat the souls of adults, but can't see or touch children, and the children can't see or touch them. Then it shifts to the main character for the second book, Will. Also, you knw the severed head at the start of the movie, fake. That guy becomes very important later.

Dibsy said...

I had a feeling it didn't finish the whole story. But I still think they could have chose a better place to end.

Nathaniel said...

Acctually it ends with her walking into "the fog", not knowing where it leads, and that's it. You only find out about the details later on in the second book. Still, it's definetly worth reading.

Dibsy said...

i might, but at the same time i think the movie just ruined it for me.

Dibsy said...

Oh my. I don't want an F. "If I were to di ein 2 weeks":

If I were to die in 2 weeks
On the 1st Day: Gain a million pounds and practically lose my figure (ish)
2nd Day: Date at least 1 dude
3rd Day: Take revenge on my supposed friend for dating mah crush
4th Day: Announce on blogger and emails that I am to die
5th Day: Use up all my money
6th Day: Break all the rules EVER
7th Day: 2 words-killing spree! :D
8th Day: email a random dude and pretend i was a stalker
9th-13th: publish a book
14: Make an angsty speech

Dibsy said...

What happened to the love, Natty? Love, love, and such?

Aly K. said...

Weehoo to all you ppl. 8) I'm sorry I've been neglecting Blogspot and ASN! And Leanne's internet is down again. Tis very sad. And she doesn't like her crush anymore. She decided to be just friends with him.




Dibsy said...

you mean lex or brendan? (what a sad, sad tale if it wasn't lex)