Saturday, November 8, 2008

Music (Rough)

(This is an on the spot poem, or talk, or bunch of motivational phrases. I'm just kind of board, so, yeah, read.)

Music isn't making noise, it's about making rythm.

Music isn't being loud, music is being heard.

Music is no group of sounds, it's pattern, understanding, and harmony.

Music has no limits, it's here there and everywhere.

(I declare this work in progress!)


Dibsy said...

Ok... (scratches neck)

Oh yeah, post virginity is mine now. ;P

Nathaniel said...

It's a female blog. And I'm not sure your supposed to get it.

L.T. John said...

Wow, Natty! This is great. (Who'd you steal it from? I want names!)

Nathaniel said...

I wrote it myself, thank you very much.

L.T. John said...

Sure you did. Go to my blog!

Nathaniel said...

Seriously, I did. And the link didn't work, so I just went to your DA page. Pretty sweet mi amigo.

Aly K. said...

Awesome. Mazing. Poem-thing. O.O Also, your cousin is adorable... and, Dibs, LEAVE THE FEMALE BLOG ALOOOOOOOOONE! I didn't know you swung that way. (stolen from Ella.


"I don't swing that way." [when leanne and alyce act like... muffins. x3 xDDDD])

Dibsy said...

Muffin? Scoffcough, cupcakes are better.

And since when was it decided that this blog was female?? All my blogs are female, 'xcept one, who's genderless...

Nathaniel said...

Actually, this blog was male all along! See Coady, you like men after all! YAY!

Leah said...

Wow... what is it with guys giving things genders?

And Dib, muffins are just so much cooler.

Nathaniel said...

It's cause Coady is a jerk from time to time, so now I can say that he swings that way, and just won't come out of the closet. Silly silly Lea. Sometimes you just think like a goat, or somebody who has a crush on Lex.

L.T. John said...

Because we are French, and therefore must apply gender to all nouns! Oui, c'est vrai. J'aime les chatons.

Dibsy said...

'Scuse me, but anyone who actually goes to my blog almost regularly and follows me is a good man of mine. T_T

Cupcakes are better. I'm expecting some random male to say sometime soon, "What's up with girls and comparing food?"

WTF, Johny. Can I call you that, par la manière dont, de miel?? I like chatons too. They're better than chiens.

Leah said...

I DO NOT LIKE LEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to have an emotional breakdown someday from your verbal abuse, Natty.

Muffins are better!!!!!! They pwn all!

Dibsy said...

*smacks natty* Ima call you Kitty now.

I am the Cupcake Queen! Bow below my creamy, fluffy brown goodness!

Nathaniel said...

Sure you don't. So how about that ring on your finger? And that picture of you and Lex, and the frame has I love Lex on it? Huh?


Coady said...

... you cant just decide now what gender it is, and really, you're just copying what i did to you on megans blog!

... also i steal all your cupcakes cupkake queen, and then me and my cacneas eat them in front of you.

cupcakes are superior, and anyone who says otherwise shall be cacnea'd.

Coady said...

also cacnea'd = spiky face glomp

(whatever a glomp is)

Dibsy said...



Coady said...

also whoever thinks cupcakes are better are rewarded with OVER 9000 caceas to do their bidding. they each carry 20 cupcakes with them.

Nathaniel said...

Well anyone who likes muffins better gets OVER 9000 Blazekens, and Infernapes to do their bidding! Muhahahahahahahaha! Uber elemental advantage!

Dibsy said...

WELL...I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!! Muffin lovers will think it is a block-o-smiley cheese! PBBT!

Nathaniel said...

This is actually too weird, I'm going to stop now before I lose what little respect for myself I have. Poor, poor me. A childhood wasted on Pokemon. It's sad because I could remember all of the fire and fighting pokemon, which there are four of. Combusken, Blazeken, Monfer- OK, there goes that respect.

Dibsy said...

Once it leaves it never comes back. V_V

Coady said...

too true... the cacneas know hydro pump...

Nathaniel said...

Yeah, but as the others have a higher speed level, the first strike fill be the final, and your cacneas will fail. Therfore, we win!

Coady said...

the cacnas have quick claw. neenerneenerneener!

cacneas actually have a naturlly high speed rate. i checkededed

Dibsy said...

Weeeeeee, Sailor Moon has come to save the day!!! OHHHH BURN! (blows up all with wmd, except cacnea, da cupcakes, the queen, and da only known supporter, coady) w00t!

I'm so sorry. I'm high on something. It's called Temperofemoralitis.

Nathaniel said...

THE CACNEAS CAN'T! THEY ALREADY HAVE CUPCAKES AS THEIR HOLD ITEM! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Also, my pokemons have higher levels, and probably also more speed anyways. Oh, and you can't say that they are level 100 that haven't evolved because they have everstones. BECAUSE THEY ARE ALREADY HOLDING CUPCAKES!

Dibsy said...

Sailor Moon is no such Pokemon!!! She destroys!!! (sailor moon explodes all except etcetera)

Nathaniel said...

I don't think that Sailor Moon is a mercenary for hire. Plus, quiclaw, and giant waves of flame engulf her, and she dies.

Coady said...

too bad the cacneas were never holding the cupcakes, they were eating them before the fight. they sheercold you to death, and then i tame the fire-fighting types with my styler, and release them to the wild. you lose, cupcakes win.

Nathaniel said...

Stylers only work on wild pokemon fagballs. Plus, it would take a lot of time to capture all of that many pokemon, let alone over 9000 third form pokemon. And they still couldn't attack, because they were buisy eating. And even if they weren't buisy eating, quick claw would only give a slight chance of survival. I think the Cacneas lose now.

Dibsy said...

...'scuse me, I don't watch pokemon! -.- I just realized that... I HAVE CHUCK NORRIS!! AS HOSTAGE!

Coady said...

>_> you couldof used chuck norris to kill teh pokemans...

i hav a over 9000 squad of rangers, and stylers totally work on other peoples pokemons... replay ranger furfag. and the cacneas already ate the cupcakes dammit! you came later...

ps you are dead so stfu

Dibsy said...

Oops. But anyways, Natty and all supporters, YOU LOSE!!!

Nathaniel said...

Actually, you should replay ranger. Only wild pokemon can be released, you only catch that guy's tailow, and the skitties, not release them. Also, since I beat the game, I get to play this lovely card. I use the one of a kind, take over any pokemon styler, without any effort, in the shape of an organ. Actually happens, and you can't have one. Plus, on the backup, I have soldiers, all armed with master balls, and snag machines, which is a one of a kind technology that you can't create because it's only my army that has them. Also, since you were decieved into thinking that Chuck Norris could be taken hostage, Chuck Norris sides with me for the attempt. I also have Tom Bombadil, Sailor Mars, your sister, and a Genis. In other words, PANCAKE TIME! STALAGMITE! Or, you lose, epicly now.

Dibsy said...

We will never surrender, we have Micheal Jackson on our side!!!

(Oh my, what ever is he doing to poor, poor, Chuck?)

Well. This war has suddenly turned quite graphic. And over cupcakes and muffins, too.

Oh. Chuck is dead. W00T!

Nathaniel said...

Chuck Norris was never in captivity, he only let you think he was. But for trying, he's going to kill you. Also, it is an impossibility to kill Chuck Norris. Also, FLY MY MINONS FLY! *A bynch of Wyvren riders fly out from somewhere, and start killing you, your cupcakes, and Michale Jackson.)

Dibsy said...

HAH! There is no "Michale" Jackson! And everyone else were puppets stolen from Sesame Street! We have...we have...Bruce Lee!!! He has come!! To destroooy! (along with jackie chan and jet li)

V.V We pwned you so stfu.

Coady said...

Claus F. Lester.

you lose.

also im pullin a commandant alexei on ya, so now i cant die.

Dibsy said...

Me either, nor our cacneas, action fighters, Sailor Moon, Micheal Jackson, ect.

Epicly lose now.

Nathaniel said...

OK, I'll just give everyone I have immortality too. But then it's no fun, and I can't make Chuck Norris any more immortal. And to add to my army, GO TOS TEAM! PREPARE TO GET DEMON FANGED! Also some bear cavalry, bears with guns, penguin army, tiger cavalry, whales on stilts, and Gary Coleman.

Gary: Yes I am! Going to kick your ass!


Coady said...

claus summoned volt, aska, maxwell, and the all-powerful origin. they cant kill you, but their powers blast you into space, never to be seen again... then everyone sits down, and has a cupcake picnic...


Nathaniel said...

Too bad I already fired the mystike canon, but supercharged. It destroys all yo mana, and blasts you to dea- space.

Coady said...

dude play the game... the mystik cannon dosent do crap because its a fagload of ass... like seriously... and you're doing the exact thing you said i couldent do...

Dibsy said...


I have Jack Black of Nacho Libre. Who...umm... How do we fight now that we're immortal? (darnit, only one side should've been immortal!!)

Oh yes, Aly and Lea are not here, so technically it's just me and Coady vs. Natty. ^^

Coady said...

victory is automaticly ours because cupcakes just rock like that.

Nathaniel said...

Well I didn't play the game. I watched the animation, and the Mytik canon detrierates mana at large amounts, and destroys half of the capital when it's fired. Thus, jerk face who made it allows you to fiddle with his time machine, and while Claus did that, the healer chick, and them needed to go restore mana, because the canon screwed the tree.

Also, you got to do it once, so I get one too.

Coady said...

well, that seems fair, but really the mysik cannon isnt that strong... the animation's cannon blast is like a visual hyperbole...

and besides, we cant die...

also i nao hav a prinny army dood.

Dibsy said...

... I have stolen all of you's muffins and have loaded them all each with nuclear bombs!!! Surrender now or watch them 'splode!!! (and the cupcakes are held captive by da kung fu people, so you can't get to them)

Coady said...

actually... all the muffins get prinny'd...

prinny dood!

Dibsy said...

what is prinny?

Coady said...

google images it.

penguins that explode.

Dibsy said...

whats with the big space?

i get it now...

Coady said...

weird, cause i dont.

mind explaining?

Dibsy said...

Mind, I cannot. For I have lied. V.V

Why don't you ask the Pillsbury Dough Boy? (just random, i just had a shower)

Coady said...

um okay.

*asks* what does it mean?

Pillsbury doughboy: hoohoo!

Me: screw this! *hauls out rocket launcher and blows him up*

he does make a good turnover though

Dibsy said...


Oh, I emailed you and Natty. Respond!

Coady said...

i got no such email... sadface.

Dibsy said...

WHAT?! All that time...all that energy...and you got nothing. super sadface

Coady said...

was it really hard work!?

omega sadface

Dibsy said...

supremo sadface

No. All I really said was, "SUP COADY!!!!!" But still, it's the effort that counts.

Coady said...


Coady said...

oh. it said ultimate sadface after a bunch of ..... s but it only put up the first line

Dibsy said...

Like mah new profile piccy??