Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am doomed. Let me explain. This is a realization I've come to about myself, that I feel like sharing. I am doomed to question reality. It's what I do in my spare time. I always think about it. What is reality? It's an answer I'll never come to, or anyone ever will, because it doesn't exist. Reality is there, and I suppose, that's what it is. There, feeling it, seeing it, smelling it, tasting it, hearing it. That's reality, that's what it means, but is it reality? We only know what our brains want us to know, and our brains are pretty flawed. If something is outside comprehension, then we can't know it. It's there, but we can't know it's there. We live in the third dimension, but say if we were to enter seventh dimension, if it exists. We wouldn't know it was there, because our brains can't tell us it's there. But then again, it boils down to 'whatever you don't know, can't hurt you'. Or, to rephrase it, whatever we can't comprehend, can't hurt us. That may, or may not be true, depending on your belief of the supernatural. Anyways, this theory just came to me. If there is a holy figure, such as god, or Allah, or Ganesha, then perhaps the reason they are not seen, is because they cannot be comprehended. I'm not very religious, but I like to accept possibilities into theories. Just cause I don't necessarily believe it, doesn't mean I don't get to play around with the idea. So anyways, as you can see, I'm pretty doomed to go this stuff over a lot. Next week, I'll take in empiricism!


Coady said... ... plz help me advertise... also i could use some moderators... well whatever.

Dibsy said...


Coady said...

dont ask.

Coady said...

hey nathaniel, do you want to make a clan? CK got hacked and wiped out...

if not nathaniel, is anyone else willing? i feel teh lonelies...

Coady said...

seriously guys... join my board and ill make you part of the staff, so we can disguss the clan-making. anyone is welcome in the maybe clan, but its for online gaming if it gets made.

Dibsy said...

i can't, man... D: Life is so unfair to the young'ons.

What happened to CK? Does it have a virus, or something?

Nathaniel said...

Coady, stop promoting this possible clan of yours on my blog. Unless you want to pay for advertisement.

Coady said...

dont be an ass... also a hacker raped CK, and when aaron g remade it, he decided to make another one, that has nothing on it... so if you check the ck page, it wont be there... sadface

Nathaniel said...

That's what some moocher friend says when you decline him money.

Coady said...

i dont believe im mooching off you (what money), and besides, if you have a problem with it, advertise against me!

Coady said...

also CK is back biatch! (suck on that nataniel!)

Nathaniel said...

Uh, yeah. Money wasn't being considered the prize here, it was your ability to advertize. So by me denying your ability to advertize, it is the same thing as the moochie (Heheh, Monster Ranchers.) denying money to the moocher. (heheh, not Monster Ranchers.) Also, LOOK OUT! A BADDIE! HURRY! TIGRER! USE YOUR LIGHTNING STRIKE!

Dibsy said...

I know I mgiht be asking much of you, Coady, but can you get me up to a brown belt in Clubpenguin?? I've started you out be winning five games or so, but that stupid chinese take out dude won't let me get a belt.

Coady said...

meh, i might as well. ive got nothing better to do this weekend...

Dibsy said...

THANKS SO MUCH! (huggles) Today's my brother's birthday, so I can't go on... D:

Coady said...

meh i havent worked on it in a while... but ive been busy with kingly matters... ill do that soon.

Aly K. said...

Deep stuff, Nat. I believe God can't be comprehended from our flawed human minds. Reality is definitely something tow wonder about... I don't know. I believe what's here exists, but, I'm not sure. I think it's totally okay for us not to comprehend something and not know it. I think you don't really have to physically see something to believe it's there, for it to be real. Going into thoughts of reality's pretty cool. Very deep stuff.

Leah said...

That really was a deep post blog slash item.