Monday, November 10, 2008


I'm really annoyed right now. I have the day off, but it still sucks, because I'm waiting for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. It's the sequel to Tales of Symphonia, which is one of the bestest games ever. So greaterest, I can use madeded up words to describe it. So yeah, I tried to find my original TOS to take the edge off of the urge to play it, but I can't, which pisses me off. But what's worse is that I can't get Dawn of the New World until Wednesday, and not Tuesday, because it's remembrance day, where stores get charged for staying open. So that's one more day I need to wait. Also, for all of you who think you should check this game out, DO IT! It's complete awesome in a sack. Anyways, if your wondering why I'm this annoyed about another day, it's because I've actually been waiting for this game for over a year now. I only really got into the origional TOS last September, because Dawn of the New World was announced. And it was announced originally for early in 2008, but then it was pushed back to April, and then it kept on being pushed back ever since, and now, when I'm one day away, I have to wait another. It completely sucks! So, I have a day off, but nothing to do! JUST GIVE ME SCHOOL AND THE GAME! Anyways, I'm just annoyed, and that's why I'm writing this. Also, the update for this week is below the Music poem. I started it earlier, and when I finished editing, and put it up, it turned out underneath.


Dibsy said...

w000000t!!! G'mornin' Natty... (sleeps)

Nathaniel said...

Oh, hey Dibs. Mourni'n to you too.

Nathaniel said...

I updated my profile! YAY!

Dibsy said...

Natty...something happened to my email. I looked at it, and here was this unfamiliar email, and it said it was from me, but I didn't send anything...and it said, "Someone sent me your private pics"...

L.T. John said...

That fails. That truly fails. On the bright side, if I read some certain classic books, I'm gonna get Fallout 3 Awesome! :3

Aly K. said...

Sadness! O: iSowwie Nattie. *hugglefy* iCheckify your profile naoz. *checks*

XDDDDDDDD I LOVE YOUR NEW PROFILE!!1!!!!!!111oneone1!1one!




Anywayz, kewlzness. 8)

Leah said...

Aw... poor Natty... *hugs* I'm cold.

Tracer Bullet said...

Yeah I know what that feels like. I'm still waiting for empire total war and it was supposed to be out by now. Still, February isn't the farthest away.

Nathaniel said...

Boo for Dibs! YAY for John! Thanks, and what do you like about it, it's nothing special, for Aly! Thanks, and poor Lea *Pats head.* for Lea! Dude that game looks awesome, and I feel for you man, for Calvin! I feel like Santa.

Dibsy said...

Oh yeah, Natty, thanks a lot.

Tracer, can I call you Tracy? You know...shorten things up...?

Nathaniel said...

He probably wouldn't like that.

Dibsy said...

Why nooooooooot??? :(

"You pushin' up mah buttons babe...but u keep frontin..."

Sowwy, just had them pussies in mah head. ^^"

Coady said...

lol nathaniel i can satisfy my urges with ToV. it may not be in the ToS storyline or existance, but its still epic. enjoy your nothing, im gonna go play ToV and ToP.

Aly K. said...

Hooray for more video games! (I am totally unknowledgefied when it comes to those.) ILY GUYZZZZZZ!!!!!

Total American (I'm sorry if that sounds ethnicist/country-ist... sowwie... *hug*) spazztation on the Twilight series right now. Seems like EVERYWHERE and EVERYDAY new people are reading it. And all the new people have the fancy new copies with all the movie pplz on them. And I saw a messed up lookin' copy with a cover of just one of those close-ups of Bella and Edward in tall-book-romance-adult-novel-with-thick-pages format in Target the other day... o.eee Scarehness.

Yeah. *sigh*

*hugglefies everyone* ILY all. :) <3 God Bless.

iBe having issues lately. (my blog tells all [or some; in poetry.]. please forgive me for shameless self-advertising. sorry for neglecting you all, too! D: )

Dibsy said...

You know, this has been racking mah brain fer a while now: there are barely any asians in the medias(except for the stereotypes)!!!! they're all american!!!

Nathaniel said...

Uh, what? You meen news correspondants I hope, because asians are all over the media.

Dibsy said...

Have you seen iGo to Japan? >.< It was SO racist against japanese.

Coady said...


Nathaniel said...

Yeah really. We just had the summer Olympics, which was held in China, with a lot of coverage, as well it was a time where people would have protests that would always be covered. Free Tibet has been going on for a while. With the Naruto, and Death Note problems, the creators are getting some crap, that gets covered. Plus, the media consits of pretty much anything on TV, and you'll find a lot about Asians there.

Coady said...

lol death notes main character got shoteded.. lol. man im sleepy...

Dibsy said...

I knoooow. But when Americans go to Asia or something on the media it's like they expect it to be a whole other planet, and not a whole continent. >.< Isn't Asia much more than samurais and sushi? I mean, it's the 21st century!

Watch iGo to Japan. The japanese kung fu fight each other; as if they actually do that in real life right now. T_T (out in the street?)

Nathaniel said...

Actually, it almost is a whole other world. And your only talking Japan here. What about Korea, Taiwan, and India, not to mention China, again. Things are very very different.

Dibsy said...

Only a few things. It's not a whole other world. Have you been there? I'm Asian, and I barely even SPEAK Asian. We have tv, we have mcdonalds, we have big macs!!! I have been to Korea!!!

What are you trying to say, Natty??

Nathaniel said...

You barely even speak Asian? Asian isn't even a language. And have you been to northern Korea, or the farm lands of China? It is different, very different. Some asian contries don't even have the right to vote for women.

Dibsy said...

OK, fine, you got me there. What I meant to say is, I don't speak where I come from, ok?

But still. What are you trying to SAY, Natty??? What point are you trying to PROVE???

Nathaniel said...

My point is, that among all the similarities, there are vast differences. Just because a place has similar attributes, doesn't mean that it isn't different.

Dibsy said...

I wasn't trying to say that, I'm just tired of Asia being represented as the country of sushi and samurais!

Nathaniel said...

I don't see that as such a bad thing. I mean, most people enjoy that stuff, and it is part of Japan's culture, which I doubt they mind people assosiating them with. Plus, Asia is a contenent, not a contry. And what you just said seems to depict your play on it. How much do you know about Asia? As a contenent. You seem to hit straight for south eastern Asia, more specifically, Japan, a small island in Asia. It is a contry, but still only a small island.

Dibsy said...

Because China, Korea and Japan are more wildly represented-you're not going to talk about Thailand, or Phillipines, no, you're going to talk about the three big ones. And really, saying Asia is the country of sushi and samurais is just the same as saying America is the home of Big Macs and obesity-even though McDonalds and obesity is world-wide. I KNOW Asia is a continent. I just call it a country by a certain incident in the 4th Grade.

I say this again, what are trying to prove and say? You are arguing with me, and it seems to me you are trying to make my agree with you that Asia is all about saying nonsense words like, "shing shong wa" and sushi, samurais, ninjas, and geishas with little drunk men with long moustaches. Really, what is the first image that comes into your mind when I say, "Asian"?

Coady said...

erm... dibs has a point... so nathaniel you lose this argument.

Dibsy said...

w00t. (waves asian flag)

Dibs: 1
Natty: 0

Go Asians!!