Friday, May 30, 2008


Well I have just visited my local arts and culture center and stumbled upon a fact that I had not known before. You see I had to go with my father to pick up my sister from a dance lesson, with the promise of then going to Chapters. Anyways I went exploring upstairs. During this time I felt nature call, but I had to put nature on hold because upstairs the only male washroom is behind locked doors! Now I have highlighted the word male because in fact there is a female washroom upstairs that isn't locked up. So I searched the upstairs in vain for a washroom. I would have gone to the other washroom earlier but at the time it seemed stupid because it was directly across the damn building! It seems intelligent to me to have a corresponding washroom of the opposite gender, but apparently this would make life to easy! But to quote Macbeth "Whats done is done." To be completely honest this did happen to me but it is also an elaborate prank set up for you the reader.

V for Victory


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