Sunday, May 31, 2009

My mom has the coolest job ever.

I always thought that the criminal law we all saw in the media, with all the patterns, and all that was just a thing of fantasy, and that nothing was ever quite like that, but recently, I found out that my very on mother, back as a QC (Queen's Counsel, an honorable Prosecutor title) had dealt with a very interesting trials like this. And I have to admit that I was drawn by a game where you held such cases in court to go into law, but now I think I'm legitimately drawn to law as a career. Let me explain the story I heard.

Years ago my mom held a trial against a man who had beaten his girl friend, he had pulled out some of her hair, and she had it in a bag. But she also had a letter saying why she didn't want to press charges. My mother was angry with her by the end of the trial because she was giving her an opportunity to come out, and get this man punished for what he had done. And that my mother couldn't do anything else to help her. So she pointed out the hair, and that nobody without a health problem has this much hair falling out for no reason. But no charges were pressed.

Several years later, a file came across her desk from Ontario. It was the same man, except he was still in Saint John's even though his new girl friend had gone to Ontario. She had had a worse deal than the first. She had been hit and fell into a drum symbol. She lost sight in her right eye, and has a permanent scar from the incident. But she also carried a letter, and upon observation, my mother found that this letter, and the letter from her trial had three of the same sentences, each key sentences in the letter. So they saw fit to pursue the matter. They searched for his other offenses, and they found another girl with a letter with the same three sentences. But the current trial couldn't be ractivated because of late information or something. So they reopened the Saint John's case with the girl my mom had dealt with 4 or 5 years earlier.

She was now married with a child so she was a little scared about the man. But she and the other girl came out about how he had forced them to write the letter and told them what to write, as did the poor girl who fell on the symbol. They had all the evidence they needed so they put him away. Unfortunately though once he was released he did the same to another girl, and she also had a letter, but without the same sentences, so they didn't pursue it.

Anyways, I'm proud to call her my mother, and I hope that some day I can do things like this to help people and give them justice. I want to do my part to make a better world.


forever.yours said...

Wow, that's so cool. I was never really able to get into law, but I think it's awesome that you think so highly about changing the world. Haha, you're going to be Superman :)

Tracer Bullet said...

You probably know that I want to pursue science in my career but I never said law wasn't interesting. It's a battle of logic and evidence. Two things which I do enjoy. In that sense law and science are very similar. (and both hinge on the other) If you want to pursue law then good for you.

Aly K. said...

Man, that sucks. But that would be a really awesome job. I don't know if I could pursue law myself, but, I think you could do a great job with that kind of career. Anything you put your mind to. And it sounds like you have a pretty awesome mother.

Nathaniel said...

Yeah my mom is great. She actually ran a restaurant while being a Lawyer.

I'm well aware Tracer the Areo Physicist Bullet. :) You're going to be great at it too. And yeah, I'm a big fan of evidence too.

And Foreveryours, I will totally be Batman, he's way cooler. :P

You could be whatever you aren't Aly. But you need to find something you really have a passion for. My Passion is helping people and finding justice, and piecing the puzzle together to get it. The moral gray areas. To trust people's word, and match it with evidence. To thread the whole story together to find truth.

Leah said...

That's a pretty cool (and sad) story. I'm glad that there was justice, and it's cool that you want to pursue and career in that.

Cruz said...

I have alot of respect for prosecutors, I've dealt with a case of attempted murder (me) and several years later capital murder (my mom) so I've been dealing with the court system a while and they work incredibly hard at a thankless job, but it must be incredibly rewarding

*hugglfies Natty* I'll try to stop in and visit ur blog from time to time

Dibsy said...

Cool. Sad about the abused girlfriends though. =(

Nathaniel said...

Wow. I didn't know Cruz. I want to be able to fight for the rights of everybody, I want to provide help to all of the people who have nowhere to turn, and I want to be part of delivering justice. I want to do it for people like you, and for everybody, I think that's my calling, to be the eyes of justice. Thanks.

forever.yours said...
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Aly K. said...

I'm sorry cruz. And yeah, it is really sad, with the girlfriends. :(

Forever.yours, I think becoming a bestselling author, or an author at all is a pretty life-changing career, especially for your readers. :) You never know how your writing is going affect someone.

forever.yours said...
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