Monday, June 8, 2009

Run Run as Fast as You Can

I like to dream. Well, more remember, remember our victory, a victory five years old. The one I relive over and over in my hand, as it seemed at it's best parts. Our escape, our getaway, our supposed happily ever after. But the lesson they omit from the fairy tales is that there is no happily ever after. There is one fairy tale that shows it the best. My favorite fairy tale because it rings true, and cuts out the bull shit. The gingerbread man. My favorite line is "Run run as fast as you can" because that sums up life. Our life especially, life is a run. It's running away from everything, because there isn't another thing you can do. You just need to keep running and running, for your life, until you slip up, and get gobbled up by the fox.

But I still like to dream. Dream that there is a happy ending. Change the memory so that we didn't go out seperate ways. We stayed together, and stayed a family. That we lost every evidence of that terrible place. That we could just live a normal life, and never look back. I change it to our happily ever after. But I know that there won't be one. Even if we got a long rest, we'll still need to run, and keep running for the rest of our lives. My name is Flit, and this is our run.


Leah said...

Oooh, sounds interesting. I *want* to know specifically why he's running. Please continue this!

Nathaniel said...

Don't worry. This is just a little thing, you'll find out later.

Leah said...

*sigh* I need to be more patient. *waits while looking around the room, then tapping foot, then clicking nails, then doing whatever else I do in boredom*

It would take me probably five minutes to do all that (sadly).

Dibsy said...

The Gingerbread Man is awesome and delicious.

Aly K. said...

Wow. I agree with Leah on her first comment. xD And impatience... heheheh. Nah, that's alright. Take your time writing this, or not. XD Whatever you want. So far, this story sounds very, VERY good, and I would love to see its continuation soon. :) ^^

Love you! :)



P.S. XDD Dibsy. :D

Cruz said...

much words! and I read it all! and on my cell phone last night lol I suprised myself but not so surprising really cause it was very well written... [impatiently waiting for part2]
