Thursday, September 18, 2008

Screw this!

You know what, I've been gone longer than you guys know. With the larger amount of known readers coming up, I got caught up in myself, but I'm going back to what I intended to do for this blog, and that's write! I'm constantly brainstorming, and I'm not sharing it. So now, I'm sharing this shit again. I'm lazy, and irresponsible, but I'm doing this! I'm here to share with you, and I haven't been doing that! I'm doing it now though, and as my new photo says, I LOVE COLORING! That isn't related, and I don't love coloring that much, but look at that kid! Anyways, I'm doing this up, now, and if you don't like it, well, I don't know, but UNPLEASANT!


Leah said...

*hugs* I've missed you! I'm glad that you've decided to blog again; it makes me joyful!

Nathaniel said...

Damn straight I'm blogging again!

Leah said...

Yey! I'm un-blog neglecting! Nice picture by the way... it's funny!

Dibsy said...

?!?!?! 0.0?!?! If a grown up finds me talking to you I'll be in trouble! (such language, they'll say. sheesh. adults.)

Are we still going to talk about random stuff again? Because, Natty, that was still vair fun.

Tracer Bullet said...

I'm all for it. I miss the zanny, random stories that you always came up with. Also surprisingly there has been no major debate between me and Katherine. Possibly because I havn't posted since the summer. Oh well. I might start posting Checkmate.

Aly K. said...


I've missed you too, Nattie. *hugs*

L.T. John said...

You and your foul language, Nathaniel. Tsk, tsk.

Though, I am looking forward to seeing any new, and slightly disturbing, posts from you.

Aly K. said...

Tsk, tsk to teh language, but... I really am glad that you are back, and am also looking forward to new posts. 8) Keep it up, Nattie. :) We're all here for ya. :)