Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A long awaited update on my life.

In the time since my last update, I found a perfect girl friend, other stuff far less significant than Carls happened, and now I'm having a home coming. St.John's is awesome! And my time in it is a little less so. Not that I've had a bad time, it's just that all the amazing times are ruined by whenever I meet somebody I used to know, I always get asked "So is your family here?" or "Where's your family?" or anything along those lines. Which pisses me off, because it's like saying, "Hello person who is close to much more important people, where are these people? Oh, it is only you. Now you depress me with your presence." I hate that. In fact, one of my relatives specifically asked for my brother, who is in freaking france. I mean, you know how offended I am!? I'm Nathaniel John Issac fucking Leon! I spent like fifteen years of my life (for family) with you, and you can't even pretend that having me visit alone is at least a little exciting! So after all that, I got to help my baby cousins with their easter egg hunt. They are so cute! And I love punching them!... With a sockum bopper... onto pillows... to be fair they love it. The younger of the two is actually better behaved than the older one. She's a little trouble maker. And one of the best parts is that they love to hug.And now I have spent much of my days killing zombies, or aliens at friends houses.



Dibsy said...

I missed you, Natty! Congrats on yur nice life. =)

Aly K. said...

I'm sorry, Nattie, for your indirectly offensive greetings. :( *hug*

I'm glad you're back though! ^^ And your cousins sound extremely fun! :D


Leah said...

Your cousins sound adorable! And I'm really glad that your talking about your happy life.


Nathaniel said...

Glad to be back everybody! And thanks.

Aly, you are such a Collette.

And they are both adorable and fun.

Aly K. said...


Thank you.

:) Awww. :3

Leah said...

Just so you know, I'm stealing your cousins. I've already taken Aly's. Dibsy, do you have adorable cousins? Preferably under the age of nine.

Aly K. said...

xD Whatever, Leah. *steals adorable cousin back and steals Leah's adorable cousin* HA.

Leah said...

You know what!? *steals cousin back and gives her back to her very angry parents and steals Aly's cousins again*