Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm a working man! (No, not a male prostetute. Sorry to disapoint Coady.)

I have a job! And I work for moneys! 12.50 an hour! Doing almost nothing!

I now work at a ski lodge not far from my house. It's an awesome job, because I handle rentals, which means that I sit in the rentals area, and read, while I wait for people who come in after paying to rent skis. I hook them up with skis, which is really easy, and then they go! It's freaking sweet!

Well, sometimes I do some ski lodge maitnance, like getting firewood, or making sure the ski poles are in the right place, but that's about it. Also, I work for 4-5 hours a day, on saturdays and sundays, but I didn't do anything then anyways, so it doesn't matter. Other than that my boss, and co workers are all nice, so that's awesome, in fact, my boss suggested I bring along a book, or any form of entertainment.

So now I'm employed, and make up from 50 to 100 bucks a week, and it's great. I'm also on a roll for beting my older brother. I got a job before him, I became taller than my dad before him, and have probably also done other stuff too that I just can't remember right now.

Keep on rocking!



Dibsy said...

woo! :O

Cruz said...

you're so lucky! my jobs sucks but at least my co-workers are cool lol... thanks for updating *hugs* Cruz

Leah said...

That's great! I feel very moneyless right now since I gave up my paper route. I'm so happy for you!

Aly K. said...

W00t! Yey Nattie! I don't have a job yet, but I'm beginning to think it's about time for me to stop mooching off my parents. (they probably think so too... heh.)



Nathaniel said...

I only landed a job because the demand for work here is so high. Normlly people don't hire till your like 16.

Leah said...

*sigh* The job demand here is pretty low... and yet I gave up my route... I'm a smart one... heh...

Nathaniel said...

Oh Lea, you could just stand on the street and get money. No, not prostitutery. You would just be payed because people feel bad for the goat girl. Also because you are in denial for loving Lex with all your heart.

Aly K. said...

Lea: *shoots Nattie*

I can totally see her doing that right now.

NATTIIIIIIIIEEE! *hug...again* Sorry.

I needz to getz a job sometime soon. (that is NOT prostitution, thank you very much!)

Nathaniel said...

I know, can't you?

You Collette you.

It's too bad you don't want to do prostetutery though. With all the hugging you do I'd say you would be good at it. I kid, I kid.

Tracer Bullet said...

And thus we came to the discussion on the subject of employment and it's benifits, namely cold, hard cash. I don't have a job and I don't intend to for a little while. So many plots, so little time. For the moment I intend to enjoy my childhood work-free (mainly because I had a paper root and it was reely far from my house, I gave it up after a while). Hopefully if i'm smart with money I won't need one for a while anyway. You all need to start money management, it helps.

Nathaniel said...

Actually, I currently have too much cold hard cash. I have like 3 to 4 hundred dollars, and I have nothing to spend it on. I guess I'll just save it for france this summer.

Dibsy said...

Lea: (mauls natty with steam roller)

I imagine her saying this the time she responds. Run Natty. Run!

Leah said...

I take both Aly and Dibsy's suggestions.

I will not become a prostitute, and people will not pay me for being goat girl, and I do not like Lex!

Nathaniel said...

I said don't be a prostitute! As for the other ones, I'm guilty as charged. But both are kind of true.

Lex, you have a secret shrine to.

Goat girl, whenever you laugh online it reminds me of a goat.

So there.

Aly K. said...

Aly: *shootsNattie*



Can I has some of chur moneyyy? *jk*


Lea is not in love with Lex.

But look, here she is!
^She is Ham (the blonde one.)


The brown-haired one they call Tuna ish our friend from the blog. :]

You are meaneh sometimes, Natteh.

Lea: *bombs Nattie*

Dibsy said...

Lea: (drops anvil at natty)

We are sisters. (lol, that was random)

Ooooh you are famous! W00tw00t!

Nathaniel said...

Heheh. I thought that Lea would be the goat cheese, Or roast lamb. But apparently she's the Ham. Oh, and I couldn't even watch too much of the video because you started talking Twilight. I'm sick of Twilight. It needs to stop, now! I mean, Harry Potter wasn't as much of a persistant bastard. I mean, it would get a lot of hype after book releases, or movie releases, but Twilight has become a way of life, and it wasn't even good. I did see the movie, and the only reason I can say it was decent, was because they didn't drag everything out to long, and everything was short enough, and there was way less focus on the terrible main plot. And almost all the other characters were well done. Personally, I think that Stephenie actually has some talent in writing. Books, no, but I think she would do well in other areas where she can't waste a lot of time on stupidity. I think she should start writing movies, or television, possibly even graphic novels. Twilight was a waste of good talent by miss Meyer.

Leah said...

*does as Aly and Dibsy assumed I would do*

That is mean! I... You're ruining my Singles Awareness Day (Valentine's Day) chill by saying all of these cruel things.

And the whole vlog wasn't about Twilight. Only the first five minutes or so...

Dibsy said...

Single Awareness Day? That's SAD acronym wise.


Nathaniel said...

You can mope all you like, it doesn't make you any more not single. People who go home and cry are the people who are to lazy to actually go out and find the right person.

Aly K. said...


Yeah,Twilight was ai'ight, but you cannot live on Twilight. And I really don't support the way Edward and Bella handle themselves with each other.

*pokafies everyone*


Aly K. said...


Singles Awareness Day WAS SAD. Cuz it involved the word 'singles' in it. *jk*

XD Heh.

Leah said...

Yeah... the acronym SAD was the point.

And you know what! I have an imaginary boyfriend... who's 12... making me feel like a pedophile....

I really don't see the need for me to actually have a boyfriend. I've seen friends go through relationships and be totally happy when they're in them, but in desperate want of one once they've broken up with said boyfriend.

Seriously, I think I can wait a couple more years. Too many people are immature with these stupid middle school 'I think I'm in love!' relationships.

Dibsy said...

omg, my friends have had hundreds. my bff had her's in 3rd grade! >.<

Dibsy said...

Blah. My friends have been at the "Whoa, what a hottie!"-slash-"I think I'm in love!" phrases so many times... (>.<) It makes me feel lonely... (is victim of unrequited love and confused love)

Leah said...

*pats Dibby on the back* We've all been there with you, girl.

Dibsy said...

>.< thank you... (hugglifies)

Leah said...

You ish velcome! Does chu like mah new pictuuuure?

Dibsy said...

oh yeah! it looks more like you on youtube! :)

Leah said...

Oh, thanks. Gosh that sounds weird...

Dibsy said...

Lol I must have sounded stalker-esque. :O

Leah said...

Yeah... but I'm the one who was willing to put myself on youtube