Saturday, December 6, 2008

ToS addiction, and NEW AUTHORS WANTED!

Dammit. I got addicted to ToS again. Now I'm all like, "Yo! Shadow! Annulst thy pact with Mithos, and form a new pact with me!" It's annoying. Also, doesn't Gnome bear a striking resemblance to Resetti, from Animal Crossing? I'm not even kidding. If Gnome were'nt the size of a couple buses, then I wouldn't doubt they were brothers. Though I much prefer the current brother coming to you rather than have Gnome blow up your house with his emmense size, or the accompanying earthquakes. He also has a bow, and not the arrow firing kind.

So other then that not much is up. But I have a request. I want more writers! I'm looking for Writer's Playhouse team members. So if you wish to write for the blog, then make contact. Comments page is open, and my e-mail adress is


Dibsy said...


Aly K. said...

Ooh, new name, Dibs! O: I would email you, Nattie-kun, but I'm at school right now, and that would be illegal. :]

ILY! Sorry I haven't been on! Like, at all!

Also, it is my birthday tommorrow and my friend's birthday yesterday.



Cruz said...

ToS... I've never played it but my brothers do, so I've heard of it...
I'm not much of a writer or I'd offer to help with your blog...

Dibsy said...

Lol I've emailed my friends in front of the teacher. :P Happy birthday Aly!!!!

RevolutionaryLore said...

The chances of me being selected are 32.3%, repeating of course. Well it's better than I normally do....



White Forest said...

oooh oooh, pick me, PICK ME!!!! :)

Aly K. said...

Thank you! ^^ :)

So, wassup homie g's?

Nathaniel said...

OK, to make this fair I need to see some writen work. I'll probably accept more later, but I need to see some good stuff first.

Tracer Bullet said...

Seriously! What is with you people and abriviations and short coments?! Honestly! If you took the time to read this and actualy comment you could at least spend the time to write a decent lenght comment. Also Natty, what subject is this writing going to be on?

RevolutionaryLore said...

Tracer, don't hate on Leeroy Jenkins. I'll be workin' on a new post soon for my evaluation, don't worry.

Nathaniel said...

The subject is whatever your good at and want to write. Be it rants, reviews, stories, what have you.

Tracer Bullet said...

Well I guess you know what i'm doing already. Rant it up!

RevolutionaryLore said...

Please! I can rant with a center right attitude everyone loves!

RevolutionaryLore said...

There it is: my first rant. Enjoy.

RevolutionaryLore said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dibsy said...

natty i emailed u!!! XD

RevolutionaryLore said...

check out my blog i did a new piece on Genghis Khan as my resume piece.

Dibsy said...

(laughs at natty's new profile pic) where'd you get that one?? XP (I want one!)

L.T. John said...

Go to my blog, all who want a profile pic like mine/ Natty's!