Monday, August 4, 2008

THE OWNLYMPICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was suggested to me a while back. This is a tourney that involves popular vote. I put up several polls saying the names of two participants. There is a vote periode in which the readers vote for the most OWNtastic participant in each round. To enter, comment on this post.


Leah said...

Erm... Leah...?

Nathaniel said...

Your in!

Leah said...

Woo! Wow... that was easy...

Dibsy said...

HEY!! Dibby over here! (waves national flag) I'M REPRESENTING SOMETHING-DIBSYLAND! AS A REPRESENTATIVE I...I...I wanna join. -_-

Aww...does that mean the 'Then There Were Four' bunches of never ending comments coversation is over? Oh whatev, I'll just talk here. ^^

Can I join?

Leah said...

I don't want to end that little chat like item.

Anonymous said...

I have a question. What is PWN?

Leah said...

It's pretty much more slang.

Nathaniel said...

Dibsy and Katerine are in!

Dibsy said...

w00t!! I looked up pwn on!!! It means 'owned'. So, lets say, I pwn you. Get it?

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute...I'm in? What am I in? What is PWN??? What does it stand for????

Anonymous said...

i guess dibsy is right...i can't find anything that makes sense as an acronym on the internet. although, the only reason pwn means own is because pwn is a common misspelling of the word own, because the letters p and o are right next to each other on the keyboard. i'm surprised nathaniel would condone and encourage that, since he's the one who's ranting about proper spelling online.

Ummm...what exactly does participating in the pwnlympics entail? what do I have to do?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and one more thing: what does FTW mean?

Tracer Bullet said...

Just wondering. What is the point of this competition? And who gave you the idea? There is just absolutely no point to it and your basing all of this off of a miss-speled word that you won't find in any dictionary except for some nerd who is trying to impersonate someone on the internet. Wow I got realy off topic there. There is a sixth artemis fowl out. You should read the series. Bullet, over and out.

Nathaniel said...

Calvin's in! Also, I think I might change it to ownlympics, because I die a little inside when I use the term pwn. I'm trying to attract more people by saying that.

Leah said...

Awww. That's no fun. I liked the Pwnlymics better. Grammar is so unfun.

Nathaniel said...

Oh well.

Dibsy said...

I am so thouroghly shocked. Someone on the internet guess my name AND IT WASN'T LEAH. -_-

Dibsy said...

Dudes, I looked up 'pwn' on Hello, that's a type of online dictionary.

Leah said...

NUUUUUUUU!!!!!! I TRIED SO HARD... I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't really matter. I had to fall, to lose it all, but in the end, it doesn't really matter.

Yeah... Linkin Park obsessed.

Nathaniel said...

Anyone can see. Nothing really matters, nothing really matters, to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Do do di do di do di, do do di do di do di, do di do di doooo.

Anonymous said...

*Gasp*!!! Nathaniel, you said Tracer Bullet's real name! He doesn't want us to do that! Oh, you're in trouble!

And Leah, I dosagree. I think grammar is tons of fun! Of course, then again, I am a grammar freak...

Nathaniel said...

That's right. Your a freak of grammar. And I don't think he minds.

Leah said...

You remind me of The Kil- erm... Ms. Miller. My 6th grade advisory teacher who was absolutely the most obsessive grammar lover ever. Thinking of The K- crap, I mean Ms. Miller makes me shudder.

Nathaniel said...

That was really rude Leanne.

Leah said...

Katherine, if I insulted you, I'm really sorry. I come off a little too strongly about some things, sorry.

Nathaniel said...

Now you mind your manners young lady, or I'll take away your computer privledges!

Leah said...

Because that's so possible when I live in Minnesota and you live... in Canada.

But I am sorry. I'm one of those people who speaks or acts before I think. After I've said it, then I think about the impact it has, never before.

Nathaniel said...

That's probably an aspect of your personality you may want to work on.

Leah said...

Yeah, it is.

Dibsy said...

YOU LIVE IN CANADA!? Hey, have you watched Total Drama Island there on Teletoons?! Can you tell me what happens?! (obsessed with TDI-can you believe it?)

Nathaniel said...

I only have two TV channels, and I don't watch teletoon when I do get to watch cable TV.

Dibsy said...

You only have two tv channels? Man, my TDI hopes has been crushed. :(

Nathaniel said...

Yay! Also, nice new display picture. No pun intended?

Dibsy said...

Pun intended strongly, actually. ^^ You know my blog, 'Here comes the DIB!'? I made a story where I captured a piece of ice cream in the hot sun. Should I kill it...or not? Oh, whatever... T_T

Arminda said...

Dude, I want to join! Arminda wants in! ^_^

Leah said...

You're funny, Arminda. By the way, I really like your name. I think it's really pretty.

Tracer Bullet said...

OK this is just getting out of hand. I've been refraining from posting for a while but this remains my point. What is the point of this whole stupid thing? Frankly I don't want to be in. I don't like joining or leaving things I don't understand so please help me. Is there an actual point to all of this or did you write this post to start a conversation? Either way here we see yet another way how popular culture influences everyones daily lives. Come on people! Think outside the box for a change! Natty you only started this because you were bord and the olympics were coming. Why are we letting culture dominate our lives?

Good series is "The secrets of the immortal nicholas flamel"

The platipus is a stupid and slow minded creature. Not that the rest of us are any different.

I realy don't like humans.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! It seems that someone is a little grumpy. Tracer Bullet, are you saying all that "rebellion against society" stuff because you actually mean it, or are you just trying to develope an image for yourself as an anti-conformist or something? This stuff that you're getting on with is totally new to me. Is this something new or have you always been like it?

Tracer Bullet said...

No i'm not trying to create an image. I don't like humans as a species. This doesn't mean that i'm going to go through neighborhoods and murder everyone. It means that i'm just not proud of things people have done in the past to nature and each other.

Nathaniel said...

What about Calvin and Hobbes? You like that. Humans made that. Anyways, you don't really have a choice anymore. Your in, and that is that. Just read the post. Also, Arminda, your in.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll admit that humans collectively have made some bad choices in the past, but this human is going to defy the "reputation" we've given ourselves and just make good choices on her own. I heard a song once that said "Even though I might be human, I refuse to be a part of the." That's also kind of what we are as christians. The bible says that "We are in the world, but not of the world."

Tracer Bullet said...

How can you not be of the world? If people can physicly touch you I'd say your pretty "of the world". If I don't stop we're going to end up with an all out debate aren't we? ... .. . ... So anyway, I also believe that other religions said something along those lines except even more self glorifying. Who said that they aren't right and your wrong? Hmmmm. Tricky. According to all religions except buhddisme, you can't worship any other god but me. So who's right?

Dibsy said...

Dude, you don't have to be in the Ownlympics if you don't want to be in it. Things don't have to happen for a reason, they can happen for fun, too. (look at below post to see the bunchies of comments to see where it all started, it did not start because the olympics were coming)

Aly K. said...

Um... ALYCE.

Sorry I haven't been here in forever...


Arminda said...

Hey, I like platypuses, buddy. Don't dis the beaver ducks.

Leah said...

Platypus' are fun.

Dibsy said...

Plate puses are awesome! XD

Aly K. said...

*pokesPlatypuses* Wheee!

Leah said...

You're a strange one.

Dibsy said...

Me or Aly? (lassoes random platypus and wrestles it down)

Anonymous said...

I can be not of the world because I am a child of God. If I were of the world, my thoughts and lifestyle would be centered around worldy things. But because I am a child of God, my thoughts and lifestyle are centered around Godly things. In that way, I am not of the world.

We should write all this stuff down and continue to debate it properly once we go back to school.

Anonymous said...

Would the correct word be platyopusses, or platypi? Hmmmm...

Dibsy said...

PLate pusses. ^^

Leah said...

I was talking 'bout Aly.

Dibsy said...

K. K. K. K. (smiles smiles smiles smiles)

L.T. John said...

The John shall emerge from the shadows, and Demon fang all of you in the face!

Nathaniel said...

John, stop refering to yourself in third person. Also, your in.

Dibsy said...

So when will it start?

Arminda said...

Yes...When will it start?
What exactly is that we're doing?

Leah said...

Yeah, seriously, when is this thing gonna start?

Nathaniel said...

Right now.

Leah said...

Well, what are we supposed to be doing?

Nathaniel said...

Round one!




Wait up. Where do we put John? We need one more person to join!

Leah said...

What about me? You forgot me! *cries*

Nathaniel said...





*sigh* The John

Leah said...

mwahahahahaha! You can never get rid of me. I'll always be here. And thank you for remembering me.

Nathaniel said...

Ok, it's up.

Aly K. said...

Rawrz. Oh noez! D:

Dibsy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dibsy said...

Hallo...em...what'd I miss?

Nathaniel said...

Hey! The results are in! The four people moving up are... Not yet to be announced. Block D ended in a tie. We will re do the Block D results over the course of a single day. The winner moves up, and the loser stays with the others. Congrats to Tracer, and Katherine. You two, along with me, will be moving into round two. Arminda and The John, prepare for your showdown. Show us why we should vote for you, or just be funny, and own all. One of you will be booted out.

Dibsy said...

(shakes hands with katherine) Con...congrat...congratulations... (starts to sob quietly in small damp corner)

Leah said...

*shakes Natty's hand* ... Good race... *cries in corner wiff Dibsy*

Nathaniel said...

*Goes over to corner to cry with the other two.*

Dibsy said...

You won, Nattty... Go cry with the winners. Don't cry with...with...the losers!! (starts to cry) Waaaaaa, Natttyyyy...!

Nathaniel said...

NO! I'm crying right here! *Cries.*

Leah said...

Me: *sobs* Go over by the winners! This is the... losers... corner... *sobsmore*

Dibsy said...

(cries) GO WITH THE WINNERS, NATTY!...Lea...why do we have a corner? Why don't we give them the corner and we have the pizza parlor? (starts to eat pizza)

Nathaniel said...

NONE OF THE WINNERS ARE ON! AND I'M LONELY! *sobs.* Why can't we just be friends? *sniffle, sob.*

Dibsy said...


Nathaniel said...


Dibsy said...

(diez) Knock...knout out?!?!?! (boxing ring magically appears, with dibsy in boxer gloves) TAKE THIS! (knocks lamp) I KNOCKED HIS LIGHTS Out!

Leah said...

Yeah, we already lost, so why should have to get the corner? *gangs up on Natty* Mwahahahahahaha!

Nathaniel said...

Not on my watch! God, pizza sauce is so messy. See, it got on my watch, geez, do you have a napkin? No wait, never mind, I've got it.

Damn, a gang beat. I CAST FLARE! *Blinded by the light!*

Leah said...

*squeezes pizza sauce off pizza* Gross. They always put too much on... there should be more cheese.

AAAH! MY EYES! THEY BURN! *runs around blindly and crashes into wall*

Nathaniel said...

Ha! Get owned.

Dibsy said...

(hits natty with lamp) HA! YOU FORGOT I KNOCKED YOUR LAMP! I BLOCKED IT FROM THAT...THAT FLARE THING!!! BARNEY! (purple dinosaur thing hugs natty)

Nathaniel said...

*Rubs head. And Grabs lamp.* I CAST FLARE! *BLINDINESS!*

Dibsy said...


"Come here little boy..."

Nathaniel said...

No, but I can distract him. *makes dibsy look like a little boy with the power of illusion.* Also, I CAST FLARE! *BLINDINESS!*

Leah said...

Natty, your're so abusive. And Alicia says hi. She agrees with me.

Nathaniel said...

Hi Alicia, again.

Leah said...

She still probably says hi.

Aly K. said...

Hi pplz. Ur all lyke muffinly lyke yah ttly




Dibsy said...

(is still cowering from fear of micheal jackson)


(throws micheal jackson at aly)

Leah said...

*putsMichaelJacksoninstraightjcket* *andsendshimtotherapy*

Nathaniel said...

Damn! Also, I think you all know what happens now. I CAST FLARE! *Blindoness.*

RevolutionaryLore said...


Leah said...

AAAAH! MY EYES... AGAIN! *throws salt in Nathaniel's eyes*

Nathaniel said...

NATHANIEL used PROTECT. NATHANIEL was protected from LEAH's attack.

Leah said...

LEAH squirted lemon juice in NATHANIEL's eyes.

Nathaniel said...

HA my eyes were closed because I was CASTING FLARE!

Leah said...

Your so mean! neeeeeeeeeeh. I sound like a goat. Neeeeeeeeeeeeh. Aly called me a goat. She's so mean.

Nathaniel said...

Poor goa- I mean Lea.

Leah said...

You're sooooo meeaaaaaan! I'm not a gooooooat.

Nathaniel said...

Well excuuuuuuuse me princess.

Leah said...

Thanks. I want to be a princess so much more. I just want to be Lea, the thirteen year old girl who is very random and lives in (insert city here) Minnesota.

Nathaniel said...


Leah said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'm a human being!

RevolutionaryLore said...

Michael Jackson licks goats in his free time.

Leah said...

Well then, it's a good thing I'm not a goat.

Dibsy said...



You mylittle pony.

Leah said...

ha ha... MyLittlePony scares me... o.e

Nathaniel said...

They want our brains!

Leah said...


Dibsy said...

They're freaky.

Hey, Natty, who do you think owns harder? Micheal Jackson or Barney? e.e? Well?

Nathaniel said...

What! What the hell kind of question is that!? You know who owns the hardest, and was a childhood figure for me, Charzard.

Leah said...

I love Charzard! I had a shiny Pokemon card of his... it was shiny...

Nathaniel said...

Of course it was Lea, of course it was. Actually, I still have a bunch of pokemon cards, it's one of the better TCGs, along with Duel Masters, and Eye of Judgement.

Leah said...

I still have a ton, but I don't do anything with them. They just sit in my closet collecting dust. My favorite is the shiny Charzard.

Nathaniel said...

I have a shiny Swampert, which is probably my favorite. The picture for it is awesome sauce! I like to play a couple games of it here and there.

Leah said...

I don't even know how to play, I just like collecting them.

Dibsy said...

How many do you have? (me-zero)

Leah said...

I have dozens.

Dibsy said...

Ooh... (so sugoi!)

Nathaniel said...

I have several deks, so maybe several hudred. A lot of them were my brother's.

Leah said...

I gave like half of mine to my brother, but I want them back.

Nathaniel said...

You should learn to play, it's really fun.

Dibsy said...

How do you play?

Leah said...

I could... but I don't know anyone else who knows how to play.

RevolutionaryLore said...

Pokemon the TCG was awesome...

And so is Eye of Judgement. Now lets eliminate the John in this poll re-do.

Nathaniel said...


Dibsy said...

Noooooo. Go Johnny.

Leah said...

Go Minda!

Nathaniel said...

I'm like a kid in a candy shop, not a bull in a china shop.

Leah said...

What do you mean?

Nathaniel said...

I can't decide!

Dibsy said...

Goooo Johhny! I can named like three John's! Like, for one, Johnny Test! John McCain! (boooo, go obama!)

Nathaniel said...

Wow, your good at that. Your John knowing skills are impresive, though I don't think the fictional Johnny Test *Growl.* doesn't count.

Dibsy said...

Why, thank you. Um, John McCain, Little John, and some others!!!

GOOO JOHN! Oh yeah, and if John doesn't comment in the next five responses I'm going to vote for Minda!!!

Seriously, where the heck is John?

Nathaniel said...

He comes and goes. Anyways, little John could go for this John as well. John is short.

Dibsy said...

That's ironic.

RevolutionaryLore said...

"The" John should have lost. I demand A recount. And how's that ironic.

Leah said...

Neeeeeeh. You guys keep commenting while I'm gone. Gr.

Dibsy said...

Dudes and dudetttes, you guys comment a BUNCH when I'm gone... (starts to cry)

Leah said...

True... that is true... *sigh* *huggles Dibsy*

Nathaniel said...

Poor things. Your like kitens. But I can't kick kittens with a straight face. No, wait, I can. *Kick!*

Leah said...

Neeeeeeeeeh. You're so mean! Who can kick kittens at all? It's animal abuse! Abusive!

Dibsy said...

(starts to cry) You can't kick me! I'm a catguin-a cat and a penguin put together! Imagine how I look! Yeah, I know I look pawsome!


(calls animal abuse hotline, lolz)

Leah said...

NATTY'S ABUSIVE! ABUSER! *calls animal abuse place*

Dibsy said...

Animal abuse hotline worker person guy: Nathaniel Insert last name here. Is it true you abused this mutant catguin and goat/kitty?

Leah said...

I'm not a goat. And besides, I'm allergic to cats.

Dibsy said...

Well...ummmm...well I'm a catguin. I am not a cat, I am cat...guin!

Leah said...

Niiiiice, Dibsy... very nice... ;)

Dibsy said...

Yes, yes, Dibsy is a pretty cool person. She lords over the world, Dibsyland!!

Leah said...

Are you going to start talking in 3rd person?

Dibsy said...





Leah said...

*rolls eyes* It's actually really fun. Aly and I have had whole conversations in 3rd person.

Dibsy said...

Well then. Dibsy might do so now. Or, say, Juliet will. Whichever floatsyour boat, or Dibulet's.

Where's Natty?

Anonymous said...

Nathaniel is in the process of moving. He left Newfoundland at 10 am on Monday, the 22nd of August. He might not even have internet yet.

Leah said...

I was thinking that was why he's been on so little.

Dibsy said...

Ohhh...Katherine you're such a genius.

Anonymous said...


Dibsy said...

You're welcome.

So, uh, how's are you guys tonight?

Leah said...

Sad. Angry. Against my better judgment, I went to the abortion thread on ASN. I am such an idiot. *headdesk*

Dibsy said...

Give me the address. I want to see it.

Leah said...

Here it is:

I'm not sure if it'll take you directly into it, but just in case, if you get to the home page, go to Debate and Discussion, and look for abortion.

Dibsy said...

Erggg...errrmmmm... *headdesk after reading it* Eyaaaa... what are your screename's? And Aly, Sienna, and Natty's? And possibly Kathy's?

Leah said...

I'm internet addict. Aly's ConfusedShipper123. I don't think Natty ever posted there, but I"m not sure.

Dibsy said...

Ok...(goes off to read it AGAIN)

Leah said...

heh... sorry about that... *rubs neck awkwardly*

Dibsy said...

Errrggg...morning... (sleepz)

Anonymous said...

If I'm Kathy, I don't have a screenname.

Dibsy said...


Anonymous said...

What does "...??" mean?

Dibsy said...

...I dun know...

Anonymous said...

Okaey dokey then.

Dibsy said...


Leah said...

That was deep Dibsy...

Dibsy said...

I am more in-depth then I seem.

"Don't say you rock if you're too afraid to throw it." :D I still need to find out what that metaphor is, can I see your quotebook to copy down on my quotebook?

Leah said...

As soon as I get that post up... it might be a while though, because I have over 400 quotes... heh...

Dibsy said...

Makes me wanna see more. I'm not really original. I like taking ideas for inspiration. Of cooourse, I always have a disclaimer up...and of course I'm quite a curious person. :)

Leah said...

I'll try to get it up soon, but no promises can be made... and I have to post what happened this week... heh...

Dibsy said...

Happy birthday!

Sheesh Natty...not even here to celebrate Lea's b-day...

Oh I think he had a birthday too...oops...Happy birthday Natty!!!

Anonymous said...


Nathaniel's birthday isn't til January...

Leah said...

Niceness Dibsy... niceness... *giggles*

Dibsy said...

Are you Natty's sister Kitkat? a desk on top of a certain Lex today?

Leah said...

Still no desk on Lexness today. *cries* I still want to see that happen...

Dibsy said...

(pats lea's head) It's ok, soon it will be...

Leah said...

*perks up* Really?

Dibsy said...

Maybe... maybe... just maybe... (uses ultra ice cream power to make desk fall on lex-man) Ehehe, we should make that an animation. ^^

Leah said...

*conjures images in mind, and plots to make comics* heheheheheh...

Dibsy said...


Leah said...

*backs avay from Dibsy*

Dibsy said...

*smacks lea* LAUGH WITH ME! *runz away from lea abuse hotline*

Leah said...

DON'T ABUSE ME!!!!!!! *calls abuse hotline*

Dibsy said...

Abuse hotline man: Yo, you mess with Leaizzle you mess with Abuse hotlineizzle! (socks dibsy in da face)
